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What My Future Holds For Me

One of my many struggles coming into college was figuring out what I wanted to study and do for the rest of my life. I originally came into freshman year at the University of Maryland as an undecided major in the Letters and Sciences Program. And I stressed myself out daily frantically taking Gen Ed after Gen Ed wondering when my passion for an area of study or career would spark. I remember at the end of my Freshman year I really took a look back on the classes I took and felt just desperate that I didn't know where I fit in yet. It was then that I decided I was going to pursue an interest I had from high school that I was nervous to commit to coming into college - scared that maybe it wasn't initially my calling.  


Deciding to pursue biology and a career in healthcare still wasn't easy, though. Healthcare is a very broad term that covers a wide range of jobs, and narrowing down what I wanted to do in healthcare was the next big step. Ultimately, this volunteer experience helped me do this. Working at a hopsital every day for 6 weeks provided me with a feel for what it's like to work at a hospital from day to day. And even though I wasn't working as a doctor I was able to observe everything that this professionals do on a daily basis. 


Moving forward, I will be able to take these experiences with me and have a more educated understanding of how healthcare works. This will help me eventually narrow down exactly what I want to do in the health field and what setting I will be comfortable working in. I will be able to apply experience having to earn my responsibilities to any opportunities that come my way. I have a much deeper understanding of not only how a hospital is run, but what it takes to make any organization stay on its feet - especially during hard times. I feel that my experiences and observations from a business point of view all the way to the internal workings of the hospital will help me in many different areas in understanding things like teamwork, cooperation, and business and healthcare ethics.  

My Future: Bio


My Plans

As I continue on in my college career at UMD, I plan to continue my studies in biology. I have just recently become interested in the field of Genetics and Genetic Counseling. I am excited to begin truly diving deeper into my studies of Cell Biology and Genetics in undergrad and eventually attend a graduate program to further my interest in genetics. I plan to have more intimate internships in the healthcare field and I would like to work in some labs, preferably related to genetics studies. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me and how this volunteer experience has ultimately shaped me for the rest of my career and life!

My Future: Bio
My Future: Files
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